***Click here to read Press Release on Montrose "Three Sisters" Post Oaks designated as Texas Historic Trees

***Click here to read Press Release on Montrose "Three Sisters" Post Oaks designated as Texas Historic Trees

***Click here to read our DETAILED point-counterpoint report with EVIDENCE supporting our positions

***Click here to read our DETAILED point-counterpoint report with EVIDENCE supporting our positions

Do you enjoy the live oaks along Montrose Blvd?

Did you know that the Montrose TIRZ is planning to cut down many mature trees as a part of an improvement project which will widen sidewalks?

  • In Phase 1, Allen Parkway to West Clay, 57 mature trees are slated to be destroyed. 

  • Medians will be narrowed by 10 feet (5 feet on each side) putting the median trees at significant risk.

  • As the project continues down Montrose Boulevard to US 59, hundreds of trees are at risk, including century old oaks.

  • Replacement trees will be 3.5 inch pole trees with no irrigation system.  Many cypress trees will replace live oaks.

  • Mature trees provide a shade canopy that lowers average temperature. New trees won’t provide shade for 30+ years.

  • Live Oaks are #1 species for carbon sequestration and absorbing other pollutants.   


TIRZ board meetings and some civic clubs shared information about this plan, but most Montrose residents and business owners don’t know about it at all -or- they didn’t realize the heavy impact the project would have on the trees. City council and the Montrose TIRZ claim that there were plenty of opportunities for the public to provide input. But we have thousands of people who have signed the petition who say they never heard of it until our group formed in September 2023.

  • Let them know if you were one of the thousands who had no idea!

  • Demand that this project be paused until true community input can happen and a tree-preserving alternative plan can be developed!

Check out these links:

The Montrose Live Oaks Gallery

Photos courtesy of
Rocky Kneten Photography